Hindu Militants Continue Violence Against Christians in India
Seek to Wipe Out All Traces of Christianity
By Council of Khalistan - http://www.khalistan.com
Washington DC, USA (Khalistan.com) - The wave of violence against
Christians in Orissa [India] continues. Militant Hindu nationalists
affiliated with the militant, pro-Fascist Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh
(RSS), have called for a nun, who was raped by their activists, to be
arrested and they have reportedly sought to wipe out all traces of
Christianity from Orissa.
On October 21 [2008], a group of Hindu women from the Rashtra Sevika
Samiti - an outfit affiliated to the Sangh Parivar (an organization
under the umbrella of the RSS) - demonstrated to demand the arrest of
a nun who was raped during the violence that erupted in the area in
August. "They want to arrest the victim," noted Dr. Gurmit Singh
Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan [based in Washington DC,
USA]. "That is offensive to anyone's sense of decency." Asia News
reported that the Sangh Parivar, another Hindu fundamentalist group
affiliated with the RSS, "[is] becoming more methodical. Sometimes
with police assistance they prevent Christians from meeting to pray,
try to murder new converts, and are trying to take over the land where
churches and Christian homes once stood in order to wipe off the face
of the Earth any trace of Christian presence."
Dr. Aulakh made it clear that the Council of Khalistan and the Sikh
Nation support the Christians in fighting the oppression. "We are on
your side," he said. "First it was Sikhs, Muslims, Dalits, now
Christians," he said, referring to a wave of anti-Christian oppression
that has been raging since Christmas 1998. "The rape of any woman,
especially a nun, is shameful," he said. "Nuns renounce sex and are
'married to Christ.' Raping them is an attack on the Christian
religion itself," he said. "They have tried to wipe out Sikhism and
Buddhism. Now the Indians [Hindus] are trying to wipe out
Christianity." Dr. Aulakh's efforts to help Christians have been
praised by John Dayal, President of the All-India Christian Council.
The latest attacks in Orissa are part of an ongoing campaign of
violent harassment of Christians that has been going on since
Christmas 1998. Churches have been burned, Christian schools have been
attacked and Christian prayer halls have been vandalized. Missionary
Graham Staines was murdered in 1999 in Orissa by a mob of militant
Hindus chanting "Victory to Hannuman," (a Hindu god) while he slept in
his jeep, along with his two sons. The killers have never been
punished. Missionary Joseph Cooper was so severely beaten that he had
to spend a week in an Indian hospital, then he was expelled from the
country. Many nuns have been raped and made to drink their own urine.
Priests have been murdered. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), an
organization under the umbrella of the militant, pro-Fascist, Hindu
nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), justified these crimes
by calling the nuns "anti-national elements." The RSS, the parent
organization of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has published
booklets on how to implicate Christians and other minorities in false
criminal cases.
In April, according to Compass Direct, about 70 violent Hindu
nationalists chased and threatened two Christian women from a Gospel
for Asia Bible college after a Christian worship service. They burned
the church. All the Christians escaped except the two young women. The
Hindu militants threatened: "We will burn you like Graham Staines and
his children!" A leader of the BJP was quoted as saying that everyone
who lives in India must either be a Hindu or be subservient to
India has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, according to figures
compiled by the Punjab State Magistracy and human-rights groups and
reported in the book The Politics of Genocide by Inderjeet Singh
Jaijee. It has also killed over 90,000 Kashmiri-Muslims since 1988,
2,000 to 5,000 Muslims in Gujarat, more than 300,000 Christians in
Nagaland since 1947, and thousands of Christians and Muslims elsewhere
in the country, as well as tens of thousands of Assamese, Bodos,
Dalits, Manipuris, Tamils and other minorities. The Indian Supreme
Court called the Indian Government's murders of Sikhs "worse than a
According to a report by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR),
52,268 Sikhs are being held as political prisoners in India without
charge or trial. Some have been in illegal custody since 1984! Amnesty
International reported that tens of thousands of other minorities are
also being held as political prisoners. We demand the immediate
release of all these political prisoners.
Dr. Aulakh noted that the repression of the Sikhs has echoes in the
repression of the Christians. "It is sad that in the name of religion
[Hinduism or Hindutva], violent acts like this are carried out," Dr.
Aulakh said. "We strongly condemn the violence against Christians,
which is sadly reminiscent of the violence that has been committed
against Sikhs, Muslims, and others," Dr. Aulakh said. "They murdered
several priests and they murdered Staines and beat Cooper. Similarly,
the Indian Government murdered Sardar Gurdev Singh Kaunke, Jathedar of
the Akal Takht. If you are a religious leader of a non-Hindu religion
in India, you are in danger," he said. "The burning of churches and
the vandalism of prayer halls and schools is an attack on fundamental
religious institutions. These attacks on churches remind me of the
Golden Temple attack. They constitute an attack on the religion
itself, Dr. Aulakh said. "That is unacceptable, especially in a
country that promotes itself as a secular democracy." He noted that
India recently signed a civil nuclear agreement with the United
States. "I call on the Bush Administration and its successors [the
Obama Administration] to work with India to ensure that basic human
rights are enjoyed by Sikhs, Christians, Muslims, Dalits, and all the
people living under Indian rule," he said. "We must continue to press
for our God-given birthright of freedom," he said. "Unfortunately, the
Indian Government does nothing but encourage and support this
repression and violence. Is this the face of modern Hinduism [or
Hindutva] and the so-called secular India?" - [Council of Khalistan -
Press Release - 22 October 2008]
Council of Khalistan: http://www.khalistan.com
(1) Israeli Mossad and U.S. CIA, the International Backers of the
Mumbai Attacks
PHOTO: http://www.rense.com/1.imagesH/shot_dees.jpg
(2) Israeli Mossad Behind the Mass Terror Attack in Mumbai, India?
(3) Mumbai the Israeli Mossad Angle
(4) HinduCon Terrorist Atrocity in Mumbai, India
(5) Hindu Supremacist Terror Network had Ties to Indian Military
(6) Hindu Terrorism
(7) Indian-HinduCon BJP Defending Terror Practitioners
Indian-HinduCon BJP Support For Terrorism Accused Condemned
Indian-HinduCon RSS Bomb Menace
On Rise of Communalism, HinduCon Chauvinism and Terrorism
(8) Kashmir Media Service: http://www.kmsnews.org
(9) EIR: http://www.larouchepub.com
(10) Russian Analyst Predicts Decline and Breakup of the USA
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Crimes and Terrorism of Terrorist Mafia Government of India
Saturday, November 29, 2008
There is no such group in India as Daccan Mujahideen.
and Indian Police was forced to work deeper into finding more BJP, Bajrang Dal and RSS terrorists in Indian military and Intelligence setup. This story had created a serious panic in Indian military and their Fascist patrons in Hindu Zionists. Something had to be done to divert the attention of the world and Indian public from acts of terrorism by Hindu Hardliners. .....Then comes the Mumbai Massacre.
Even when the shootings were going on in hotels, Indian media and army were blaming Pakistan for the attacks. The game is clear and sinister. The Indian Intelligence have diverted the global attention towards another issue where they would blame Pakistan for this slaughter and use Barack Obama's doctrine of attacks on Pakistan to encircle Pakistan from both sides. It is such a shame that Pakistani media is not highlighting this issue and is only repeating what Indians want the world to see and
There is no such group in India as Daccan Mujahideen.
In the coming days, Pakistan should prepare for a high risk threat response as Indians would go to any limit to open another front against Pakistan to divert the local and world attention from their internal fascist elements in Hindu Zionists and military intelligence. The enclosed document is a BT policy paper and explains the actual sinister game which Hindu fascists are trying to hide.
May Allah protect Pakistan from all enemies.
Why india always blame Pakistan ?
The Mumbai Drama - its plane by any indian agencies like in Samjohota Express to show america that they are as affected as America or pakistan.it does not matter 4 agencies tht they can kill their own people for internation interse.
Think about it.
why pakistanies will do this try to feel the pain of pakistanies people who loses more life than indian in this terroist war. than how u can say that these people are muslim and pakistanies.if they are muslim then why they are killing inocent people in pakistan .In last year pakistan has more sucside attack then any other country in the world.then who is responsible for that. this is not the time to Blame but to think positively.
Dot just blame Pakistan or Islam.
like Mugdha and others blaming pakistan for all that and saying that india has given enhough time to change its wrong absoultly wrong.just look at the facts that acctually pakistan has given indian agencies alot of time but they are not changed their behavior.pakistan has more proof then india that india is supporting terriost in pakistan to kill inocent people in pakistan and every one in world knows this truth.you people are so much heart by this terriost attack but can you feel the pain of thoes poor security gurads or police man aor other peoples thoes are the only supporter of their famlies . dont blame pakistan just look at the FACTS then decied whats the realiaty
1) When bomba blast in sanjohata Express and india blam pakistan .but accttualyat the end its prove wrong and the truth is indian army officers are responsible for that . if you LOOK at that time next morning Pakistani fornminister is going to talk to indian fornminister about peace proccess between two country.
2) Same at this time again pakistani fornminister is in india for peace talk . and this sad incident hapend .and indian politician and media starts blaming pakistan .It showes that some callpurates in india does not want peace.
3) Very IMPOTANT thing is that if any one with this number of people and with big amount of expolusive and wapon then whats indian police and border agencies are doing .its impossible that any one from out side the country can entre in the country like this in the day time in front of every one.its a drama by indian agencies just to show ameraca that we have affacted by terrorism .I am amaze that they kill too much people in their own country just for to get the attension of america .
4)i feel very bad for india media that there role is not so good they are just try to misguide their people and government .From very first second they are blaming pakistan and islam .this is not right attiude.they should wait till tje operation end and police does its investigision and come to a conculusion. i just want to khow that from first second how indian mediia blame Pakistan.with out any investigasion.Indian media should play a fair role and dont try to make any misprepation.media should look at their role.
just look at the fact that what your agencies are doing with their own people then blame others .
Friday, November 28, 2008
Who Are the Deccan Mujahideen?
One must alwaysbe suspicious when a “new” terrorist organization crops up. Today’s horrific attacks in Mumbai were claimed by a previously unknown group calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen. But one India journalist claims the pattern of the attacks suggests that Lashkar-e-Taiba, a nasty Islamist organization based in Lahore, Pakistan, and with a significant presence in Kashmir and links to al Qaeda, may be to blame.
Here’s where it gets interesting — and I stress here that I am just speculating. Lashkar-e-Taiba’s main goal is to expel India from Kashmir. In the past, some have accused elements of the Pakistani military and intelligence services of having ties to the group. Pakistan’s government has always hotly denied such accusations.
Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has in recent weeks moved closer to the United States, made some significant gestures toward India, and moved shut down the political wing of the ISI, Pakisan’s powerful intelligence service (that’s the unit that tries to steal elections). How likely is it that some angry “rogue elements” of the ISI, aligned with Kashmiri jihadists and a team of Indian domestic extremists, sought to head off these moves? I have no idea, but it’s definitely a theory worth exploring.
There’s another more straighforward explanation for today’s attacks — revenge. A group calling itself the “Indian Mujahideen” has claimed responsibility for attacks in a number of different cities over the past several months. The Indian Mujahideen sent a warning in September expressing anger over recent raids by the city’s antiterrorism squad (ATS). Today’s message from the Deccan Mujahideen appears to be identical:
You should know that your acts are not at all left unnoticed; rather we are closely keeping an eye on you and just waiting for the right time to execute your bloodshed. We are aware of your recent raids at Ansarnagar, Mograpada in Andheri and the harassment and trouble you created there for the Muslims.
“You threatened to murder them and your mischief went to such an extent that you even dared to abuse and insult Maulana Mahmood-ul-Hasan Qasmi and even misbehaved with the Muslim women and children there.
“If this is the degree your arrogance has reached, and if you think that by these stunts you can scare us, then let the Indian Mujahideen warn all the people of Mumbai that whatever deadly attacks Mumbaikars will face in future, their responsibility would lie with the Mumbai ATS and their guardians - Vilasrao Deshmukh and R R Patil. You are already on our hit-list and this time very very seriously.”
The chief of Mumbai’s ATS was killed in a gun battle with some of the attackers today.
UPDATE: On CNN just now, terrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna says that the Indian Mujahideen are most likely to blame, and they are the same group as the Deccan Mujahideen. “No other group has the capability,” he said, emphasizing the group’s strength in Mumbai. He also pointed out that such attacks would have taken months of planning.
Are people forgetting that the messages from the “Indian Mujahideen” traced back to American Kenneth Haywood’s laptop? Are the “Indian Muhadideen” (and the “Deccan Mujahideen” for that matter) really Muslim terrorists? Seems highly questionable. Again, ask yourself - who benefits? Who has real motive? Who’s pulling the strings?
A quick review:
Opening the Doors of Hell in India
…22 separate bomb blasts claimed between 42 and 45 lives in Ahmedabad, western India…..When a note claiming responsiblity did emerge, it was sent to India’s largest television networks, written in English and originating from a standard Yahoo account. It was also signed by a group called the “Indian mujahadeen” – previously unknown to authorities – and it focused on massacres committed by Hindus against Muslims…the police managed to track the source of the mail to a wifi connection in the Navi Mumbai area of Mumbai, a newish development targeted decidedly at the upper range of Mumbai’s demographics. This was unusual – terrorists operating out of a yuppie suburb. Police also confirmed that the cars used in the Ahmedabad attacks were also stolen from Navi Mumbai….when police tracked down the wifi signal it turned out that the laptop from which it emanated belonged not to a wizened old sheik or a member of Mumbai’s mafia families, but to an “expat American” by the name of Kenneth Haywood…. Campbell White, the firm that Haywood works for, is not a multinational company at all. Or, if it is, it’s certainly a very strange one. What I’ve managed to find out is that Campbell White is effectively a front for a far right Christian cult….[read more of the article for connections between Campbell White's employees and Christian ministry in India]
The Strange Case of ATS and US Citizen Ken Haywood Fleeing India
Times of India redeemed its credibility when it published as its front page banner headlines, the shocking news of Haywood leaving India despite a lookout notice. Haywood had been under Anti Terrorist Squad’s scrutiny, over the matter of the infamous Email supposedly sent out in the name of a fictitious organisation calling itself ‘Indian Mujahideen’, traced to Key Haywood’s laptop. For over weeks, while ATS had questioned reportedly 1000 people and searched neighbourhood apartments, trying to figure out, how Ken Haywood’s laptop could have been hacked, if at all. A narco test on Haywood too had been carried out. According to ATS, Haywood has not been arrested. In Muslim circle, this glaring discriminative practice is a matter of much debate and heartburn, that just because Haywood is a US citizen, he is being given preferential such kid glove treatment.
The curious case of Ken Haywood
Mumbai/ Bangalore , August 13: Ken Haywood, the American national from whose Internet Protocol (IP) address the terror e-mail was sent prior to the Ahmedabad serial blasts, underwent lie detector tests on Wednesday, a senior police official said in Mumbai. Maharashtra’s Anti-Terror Squad (ATS), which is probing the case, traced the e-mail to Haywood’s flat in Navi Mumbai and found that his background and job were “of a slightly dubious nature”. But the information available so far is not good enough to charge him or suggest his involvement in the case.
…Physical and Internet-based checks on other past and present employees of Campbell White like Scott Grabowska, a former Mumbai-based international protocol trainer, David Curwen-Walker, a senior operations manager, and Jonathan Heimberg, a senior information services manager, both in Bangalore, have shown links to the church. For instance, Curwen-Walker and Heimberg head the Door churches at Kammanahalli and Koramangala in Bangalore.
Maybe Jonathan Heimberg hacked fellow Campbell White employee Ken Haywood’s laptop. According to the employee information they removed from their site, “Jonathan’s vast experience, and training in Computer Programming, Systems Security and Electronic Encryption gives our customers great peace of mind in the age of Identity Theft, and Corporate Espionage.” Did the authorities check? Is there any way for them to? And why should they?
Well, consider the connections between Jewish Zionists, Christian Zionists and Hindutva along with the connection between the interests of Israel, America and India (neoliberal imperialism, predatory capitalism):
Zionism and Hindutva in the U.S. Update - May 2004
by Raja Swamy
….While USINPAC differs from FISI in terms of specific institutional ties with Hindutva, both share a common passion for Israel’s perceived military, and political power, and a desire to utilize the Israeli lobby’s experience and power, real and perceived, to further the ends of India’s ruling classes in alliance with the neoliberal Indian American big bourgeoisie. These ends include gaining the favors of U.S. imperial power, while welcoming predatory capitalism, and its institutional tentacles in India.
While FISI may be more Hindutva than neoliberal, USINPAC is more neoliberal than Hindutva. Both FISI and USINPAC share a vision of a militaristic India, antagonistic to Pakistan, and to different degrees, i.e. between outright hatred and blatant indifference, share contempt towards the rights of Indian Muslims….
Three years ago, it was noted that several Hindutva groups in the U.S. had begun to cooperate closely with extremist pro-Israel Zionist organizations. At that time, the most significant instance of this cooperation was the warm ties developing between New York based Rohit Vyasmaan’s HinduUnity.org, a front for Bajrang Dal in the U.S., and Kahane.org.4 Apparently, when Vyasmaan’s HinduUnity.org website was taken down after complaints to the service provider, he contacted the Kahane group’s director Michael Guzofsky who was then in Israel. Guzofsky introduced Vyasmaan to his friend Gary Wardell5, a businessman in Annandale Virginia, who now hosts both websites6. Wardell works closely with a Christian Zionist organization affiliated to David Wilkerson’s Times Square Church….
Hindutva groups are overwhelmingly supportive of the Jewish State of Israel, including Savarkar himself, who supported Israel during its formation.[16]. The RSS is politically pro-Israel and actively praised the efforts of Ariel Sharon when he visited India.[17]HYPERLINK \l “cite_note-17″[18] R.S.S spokesperson Ram Madhav recently expressed support for Israel.[19]
Initial report describes bomb-making factory linked to Hindutva parties was intended to fabricate terror
A report on the Nanded blast in April prepared by the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) and Secular Citizen’s Forum, has accused the Bajrang Dal of running bomb-making units with the intent of fomenting communal mayhem.
…The report says that the incident points to a larger plot by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) to disrupt communal harmony and fan anti-Muslim feelings. RSS leaders have dismissed the allegations.
The Mumbai Drama - Who are the beneficieries of Mumbai Terror?
The Indian story on the Mumbai drama, and especially the silly linkage with
It is surprising that even if the so called ‘terrorists’ were Pakistani trained SSG commandos as alleged by many Indian members, I'm surprised how 12 men could besiege two major hotels for such a long while.
Who are the beneficieries of Mumbai Terror?
Hindu fascist organizations and its parent 'BJP'!
1. Unlike other terrorists, Terrorists in Mumbay has not demanded anything? They don't demand release of their co-prisoners nor demanded money... why?? what was their target then?
2. Unlike other islamic Jehadis with beard and turbans, why Mumbai terrorists came with strange look - they wore jeans and T-shirts; clean-shaved and no turbans nor any sign of muslims terrorists we normally watch on media?
3. And the Terrorists attackers did nothing specifically for western, even Israelis, it was sure if they were Jehadists!
4 Beer driking terrorists; Jehadi terrorists and non-alcoholic, however Mumbai Terrorists goes to the cafe and drinks beer before they start firing??
5. Mumbai terrorists (as shown by media) had close similarities with RSS cadres: Mumbai terrorist wearing an yellow band on his right hand as RSS cadres wears normally (see pictures).
6. Mumbai terrorists immediately find their targets by killing ATS leaders [Hemant Karakare, CP Ashok Kamthe & Vijay Salskar) in early hours of their terror? How they so specific the clearly chose ATS leaders? And the terrorist immediately ran away, why? & who was that terrorist?
7. Only one terrorists is caught lively (?), all others killed as in every encounter in recent past?
8. Mumbai terrorits are very clear about their targets, they are well experienced their hide abouts in Taj and other places?
9. Prime Minister, Sonia & LK Advani visits Mumbai, but no clues or no claims about ISI or
Note: no other CMs goes to Mumbai..
And he offers rewards to every military men killed of 1 crore unlike PM and LK Advani? Even he offers aid to MahaRastra!
10. Media was widely reporting that there were IDs of terrorists recovered which shows Malaysian and Mauritious IDs however such references disappeared once Terrorist leader Modi's arrival!
11 The timing of Mumbay terror is well planned, just before state elections!
12. We are told that they came from
13. It took contineous 60 hours to stop the terrorism! and most of terrorists killed!!
Zaid Hamid makes an excellent point here. As a Pakistani, I too find it intriguing that only days ago, for the first time, the reach and influence of indigenous Indian terror groups was being registered for the first time, with the arrest of two serving senior Indian army officers with links to Hindu terror groups involved in major terrorism acts;
acts that were blamed on Muslims. And now suddenly we have a spectacular incident, too sophisticated for any foreigner to execute without massive facilitation and support base, where allegedly Muslim terrorists have left behind an ID card and a cell phone with a SIM card originating in a 'neighboring' country.
How convenient. They should have checked better since they could have also found an ISI staff card on one of the dead terrorists. There are close to 100 groups in
For the past many weeks, the biggest story in
This story had created a serious panic in Indian military and their Fascist patrons in Hindu Zionists. Something had to be done to divert the attention of the world and Indian public from acts of terrorism by Hindu Hardliners. .....Then comes the Mumbai Massacre.
Even when the shootings were going on in hotels, Indian media and army were blaming
There is no such group in
In the coming days,
May Allah protect
Wassalam and dua
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Private War of Women US Soldiers
Many US female soldiers are sexually assaulted by their male comrades and can't trust
the military to protect them. Not everyone realizes how different the Iraq war is for women than any other American war in history. More than 160,500 American female soldiers have served in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East since the war began in 2003, which means one in seven soldiers is a woman. Women now make up 15 percent of active duty forces, four times more than in the 1991 Gulf War. At least 450 women have been wounded in Iraq, and 71 have died,more female casualties and deaths than in the Korean, Vietnam and first Gulf Wars combined. And women are fighting in combat.
Rape, sexual assault and harassment are nothing new to the military. They were a serious problem for the Women Army Corps in Vietnam, and the rapes and sexual hounding of Navy women at Tailhook in 1991 and of Army women at Aberdeen in 1996 became international news. A 2003 survey of female veterans from Vietnam through the first Gulf War found that 30 percent said they were raped in the military. A 2004 study of veterans from Vietnam and all the wars since, who were seeking help for post-traumatic stress disorder, found that 71 percent of the women said they were sexually assaulted or raped while in the military. And in a third study, conducted in 1992-93 with female veterans of the Gulf War and earlier wars, 90 percent said they had been sexually harassed in the military, which means anything from being pressured for sex to being relentlessly teased and stared at.
Women who serve in the American military are fighting more than just the enemy. They continue to face unconscionable rates of sexual harassment or assault.
One in seven female soldiers who were deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan and later required health care reported being sexually assaulted or harassed, according to a Veterans Affairs study first reported by the Los Angeles Times.
This should send an alarm throughout the military and outrage through Congress and the White House. Clearly, not enough is being done to prevent, track and punish sexual abuse, or to create a climate that encourages reporting it.
The ugly statistics undercut the fact that America has more women in uniform today than at any time in its history, with at least 160,000 deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan or the Middle East since 2003. Recruiting will not be helped if so many women find the military a debasing, even dangerous, experience on their own side of the lines.
In the VA data, only 0.7% of male soldiers reported similar experiences of sexual abuse or harassment.
Watch a video interview of US female soldier on CNN about sexual harrasment.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The number of mobile phone users in the country has crossed 90 million.

Mobilink: 31,359,049
Ufone: 18,801,402
Telenor: 18,472,445
Warid: 16,157,778
Zong: 5,092,476
Total: 90,204,284
20pc mobile users change handset thrice a year in Pakistan
Pakistan is a lucrative market for manufacturers of mobile handsets and other telecom equipment as 20 percent of mobile users in Pakistan change their handset thrice a year. A similar percentage of mobile users change the mobile handset once a year and this could be a successful business model, said a regulator Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) in its latest report-2007. A survey conducted by the Authority this year also found that 20 percent user change the mobile handset every two years. The report said the strategic location of Pakistan, which has spent about $1.347 billion on import of cellular mobile handsets, and other telecom apparatus in 2006-07 is also an added advantage. The potential investors can also target other emerging and developing economies in the region by exporting handsets or equipment from Pakistan to provide better economies of scale, it said and added the potential investors may also explore public private partnership in such adventures. The report said the spending of $1.347 billion on import of cellular mobile handsets and other telecom apparatus in 2006-07 puts burden on country’s foreign reserves and increases trade gap. During the period, about 4.2 percent of imports were for the telecom sector while this ratio was only 2.4 percent in 2003-2004. The report said the imports of cellular mobile sets with battery shot up from $144.1 million in 2003-04 to $670.2 million in 2006-07 while other telecom apparatus imported into the country went up to $ 677.5 million in 2006-07 as compared to $234.8 million in 2003-04. It said the exponential growth in the telecom sector is burdening the overall imports where sector requires spending of about $1 billion just on the import of cellular mobile hand sets annually, the report said during the last four years cellular mobile handsets worth $1.7 billion have been imported. According to the report, the government was considering giving incentives to leading manufacturers of cellular mobile handsets and telecom equipment to consider manufacturing mobile sets and other equipment locally where more than two to three million subscribers were being added on cellular mobile networks every month and still a large patentable exists.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
introduction to ISLAM
5 minutes introduction to ISLAM
Please share with your Muslim Brothers
and Non-Muslim Friends.
The is called “Qasida Burdah” by Mohammad Al Husayan
Monday, November 3, 2008
No matter who wins, things will become worse for Pakistan.
Even though much of the U.S. and world media seems to have already decided who will win the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, the fact remains that the elections are determined by votes, not by polls. Much can happen between now and Tuesday. Including the (re-)discovery that the opinion polling is not an exact science. I doubt if that will be the case, but part of me is now fed-up with the over-polling in this election.
That means that maybe we should do an ATP poll of our own :-)
- No matter who wins, things will become worse for Pakistan.
- A President Barack Obama will be better for Pakistan.
- A President John McCain will be better for Pakistan.
- No matter who wins, things will become better for Pakistan.
Total Votes: 184
As has been evidenced in other posts of this blog there are Pakistanis who strongly feel that a President Barack Obama will be be more dangerous for Pakistan than a President John McCain. There are also many who think the exact opposite. And as the question in the poll suggest there may also be those who feel that no matter who wins things will get worse or, maybe, will become better for Pakistan.
Without losing sight of the fact that Americans will, and should, elect the President they think is best for America, not for Pakistan - and not withstanding my own expressed view that Pakistani-Americans will also be voting this time on their own domestic policy concerns and not on Pakistan’s foreign policy preferences - one does wonder how a new administrtaion in Washington (now that there is already a new administration in Islamabad) might impact Pakistan.
So, please do tell us what you think. And why.
Imposing of Democracy in Middle East
There is no need of Democracy in Middle East
Muslims have their own Systems
A Syrian diplomat called a U.S. helicopter strike on a Syrian village near the border with Iraq on Sunday an "outrageous crime," adding that Syria reserves the right to respond accordingly.
Eight civilians were killed in the strike, which Syria said targeted a civilian building under construction.