Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I Remember

This poem is dedicated to my younger brother Fayez (Effi). He passed away at age 24.

I remember a time in youth
Brothers, best friends, together always.
Cricket, and football, - oh those were the days.

I remember, together as teens
The fighting and arguing and all in between
The laughing and joking till tears filled our eyes.

I remember those times each day I wake
Not understanding God's choice in who to take
A brother, a father a good man to all.

I remember our last time together
Sitting and talking well into the night
Together, your sickness we vowed to fight.

I remember you asking, ' Fazi are you sure'
Looking at you, our eyes filled with tears
' Effi you're my brother, - my blood is yours '.

I remember you brother always so strong
I pray every day, I hope you forgive me
I thought I could help you, I guess I was wrong.

Pain And Sorrow

This life is filled with pain and sorrow,
I always wonder if I'll make it through tomorrow.
I don't know what I'm going to do,
I'm always missing you.

I think about the joy, laughter, and tears,
and try not to have any fears.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath,
But once again I start thinking about your death.

You told me you would only be gone a little while,
And told me to always keep on a smile.
But its been longer than a while,
How do you expect me to smile?

I know you will always be in my heart,
But it is slowly breaking apart.
I always loved having you near,
and now I wish you were here.

In loving memory of my brother Fayez (Effi)'. 23-04-1984 to 04-07-2010
When you died, a part of my soul died with you.